you say that you think somebody is a thief,it is your opinion but if
you say you saw somebody steal,you are alleging a fact. If what you
thought is proven wrong,it is not a crime because you have freedom of
thought. But if what you alleged as a fact is proven false,then this
constitutes the crime known as defamation. Have a good day!!!
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Prohibition of Double Jeopardy
There is a penalty for a crime. Prohibition of double jeopardy of a well established criminal law principle. It is also included in the cdri...
Introduction The article that is entitled Force Majeure and Hardship under UNCISG and Ethiopian law discusses only about UNCISG...
As it is well-known the principles of separation of powers and independence of the judiciary are key to ensure a real democrac...
As it is well known,lawyering is not a solid for profit business.It is rather a profession by which the lawyer gives legal advice represent...
What a Great Blog!!! keep it up your good work .........
It is really very informative. I haven't seen a blog on Ethiopian law and justice system which is not only informative but also clear and precise in its presentation. Thank you Eyassu.
I mean I have never seen a blog on Ethiopian Law and Justice System which is as informative and precise as Ethio Law Info.
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